If the :ref:`DisplayMultiPlaceHold <displaymultiplacehold-label>` system preference is enabled, when viewing a list or search results page there will be the option to place hold on multiple items by checking the boxes to the left of the results and clicking 'Place hold' at the top.
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.
Base terminology
Use "hold", not "reserve" or "request".
Base terminology
Use "list", not "shelf" or "virtual shelf".
Base terminology
Do not use when referring to Koha's system preferences. Use "system preference".
system preference
Base terminology
Use "system preference" when referring to Koha's system preferences, not "preference", "sys pref" or "system pref".