Rental charge: if you charge a flat rental fee for checking out items of this type, enter the fee here. This fee will be charged to the patron upon checkout and renewal.
För exemplar som har en uthyrningsavgift anger du den totala avgiften i fältet 'Uthyrningsavgift'
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.
Base terminology
Använd avgift när hänvisning görs övergripande till olika typer av avgifter, t ex reservationsavgift, hyresavgift etc.
(noun) Use the general term "charge" when referring to different types of fees (account creation fee, hold fee, overdue fine, lost item fee, etc.). Use "fine" only in the case of overdue fines.
Base terminology
(noun) Use "checkout", not "check out" or "issue".
Base terminology
Use "patron", not "user", "member", or "borrower".