Use carefully! If the destination library already has circulation and fine rules, they will be deleted without warning!
Используйте с осторожностью! Если в библиотеке назначения уже установлены правила книговыдачи и начисления штрафов, они будут удалены без предупреждения.
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.
циркуляция, обмен, абонемент, оборот+, движение, обращение; 1. выдача книг по абонементу; книговыдача; 2. обращаемость, распространение книги; 3. полигр. тираж; (the process of checking books and other materials in and out of a library. Also refers to the total number of items checked out by library borrowers over a designated period of time and to the number of times a given item is checked out during a fixed period of time, usually one year. In public libraries, low circulation is an important criterion for weeding items from the collection. Books for which circulation is anticipated to be high may be ordered in multiple copies to satisfy demand or given a more durable binding to withstand heavy use. Some online circulation systems provide circulation statistics by classification and material type for use in collection development. Circulation is a fundamental to access services. Abbreviated circ.)
пеня, штраф; (сharge fine - налагать штраф)
Base terminology
Use "fine" only in the case of overdue fines. Use the general term "charge" when referring to different types of fees (account creation fee, hold fee, overdue fine, lost item fee, etc.).