This line gives us access to the script from the OPAC. This script retrieves the report data and passes it back to the public catalog for creating the coverflow widget. Koha::Cache is supported in order to make the widget load as quickly as possible!
Diese Zeile erlaubt den Zugriff auf das Skript vom OPAC aus. Das Skript greift auf die Daten des Reports zu und gibt diese an den Katalog und das Coverflow-Widget weiter. Koha::Cache wird ebenfalls unterstützt um das Widget schnellstmöglich laden zu können.
Use "and" instead of &, unless part of a proper noun or a common abbreviation. For example: Notices and slips, not Notices & slips; Baker & Taylor, R&D.
Base terminology
Use the American English spelling.
Base terminology
Do not use. Use "Koha" when referring to the Koha integrated library software and the Koha project.
Base terminology
Use "Koha", not "KOHA" or "koha" when referring to the Koha integrated library software and the Koha project. Koha is not an abbreviation, initialism, or acronym.
Base terminology
Use "OPAC", not "Opac" or "opac" when abbreviating online public access catalog(ue), including in system preference names.