

English %1$s: - FILTER collapse - %2$s: - USE raw - %3$s: - USE Koha - %4$s: - PROCESS 'html_helpers.inc' - %5$s: IF ( opensearchdescription )
English Arabic (ar_ARAB) Actions


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String added in the repository

8 months ago
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Things to check

C format

The following format strings are missing: %s



English Arabic (ar_ARAB)
encoding ترميز Terminology
Encoding ترميز Terminology
"A correspondence between characters of some character set and character codes, i.e. internal computer presentation of the symbols. In order to be able to read a text file, you need to know its character set and encoding. In most encodings, each symbol is represented by one byte, which is equivalent to a number from 0 to 255; the characters corresponding to codes 0 to 127 coincide with the ASCII standard, while the characters with codes higher than 127 vary between encodin. The most common encoding is iso-8859-1; in addition to ASCII characters, it also contains accented letters covering most of Western European languages."
version إصدار Terminology
Version إصدارة Terminology
"A particular issue or release of a hardware product or software title."
XML اكس ام ال Terminology
"Acronym for eXtensible Markup Language, a condensed form of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). XML lets Web developers and designers create customized tags that offer greater flexibility in organizing and presenting information than is possible "

String information

Source string description
%1$s: - FILTER collapse - %2$s: - USE raw - %3$s: - USE Koha - %4$s: - PROCESS 'html_helpers.inc' - %5$s: IF ( opensearchdescription )
Source string location
String age
8 months ago
Last updated
8 months ago
Source string age
8 months ago
Translation file
ar-Arab-opac-bootstrap.po, string 1397